Terms & Conditions

Payment for sessions must be made in advance and sessions are charged by the half term. Unfortunately we cannot offer credits for missed classes. However, should you miss a class we do offer a 'make up' system whereby you can attend on another day/centre within the term you have paid for.

Joining the Tumble Tots Club will also be necessary for your child to regularly attend classes (trial session(s) excepted). Standard Membership is £27. (Membership terms and conditions apply: membership is mandatory, non-transferable, non-refundable and valid for one year. To view the full terms and conditions, please go to: https://www.tumbletots.com/membership-terms-and-conditions/)

If extreme weather, or a major incident prevents us from operating a session, we will try to contact you in advance of your session by posting on our Facebook page and where possible by text or email. In that situation you will not be charged for the session.

For exclusions to due to illness we follow government guidance which can be found here:https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/health-protection-in-schools-and-other-childcare-facilities/chapter-9-managing-specific-infectious-diseases

If you are unsure whether to bring your child or not please ask us.

The equipment is for use by paid Tumble Tots members only. Adults and non-member siblings must not climb on or use the equipment.

No food or drink is to be consumed in the equipment area for safety reasons and also to protect those child attending who may have a food allergy. Please leave all drinks and food with your shoes/coats in the waiting area. Children can of course go to the waiting area for a drink at any time during the session.

For safety reasons, children must not use a dummy during sessions. Children will also take part in bare feet as this allows them to use to their feet grip the equipment.

The safety of your children is our priority but remains your responsibility at all times. Please follow the guidelines above and the advice given to you by Tumble Tots staff. In the event of an accident, please ensure you speak to a member of staff who will alert the First Aider. All accidents must be recorded in the Accident Book and signed by the child's parent/carer.